Dragonball Z: Shin Budokai Review (PSP)

Like all Dragonball Z games before it, there are no surprises. What you expect to get, that is exactly what you are getting in this PSP title. You get a story mode, a versus mode and a practice.training mode. Each character gets a set of their own unique moves, but true dragonball fans really like the huge finishing moves. Really, that has to be the most satisfying move in each fight round.
Game play is pretty quick and flexible, and it looks good. Although some may call the graphics simplistic, but it is meant to be this way. However, there are just too many loading screens. It is after all adapted from an anime. This game is enjoyable especially if you are pitting against a friend, which can be extremely addictive, and character selection from the 24 characters is plentiful.
I would give it a 8/10 on one of the best fighting games on PSP. Plain senseless fun!
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