Friday, June 6, 2008

Most needed PSP accessories

Okay, so you just shelled out a big chunk of your hard earned pocket money on a spanking new PSP. Guess what? Now you realise that you are going to spend even more to enhance your new investment.

Accessories is the big word, and if you get crazy over it, you will be broke before you know it. There are too many PSP goodies to know them all, but I have listed here the essentials to get you going.

Memory Stick. You will need a good capacity memory stick to store your games, videos, mp3s, and so on. The 8GB ones are around $100 here in Singapore. A good choice to get it. If you cannot shell out that much at the moment, get at least a 4GB one, which is half the price at around $50.
Next, you have to get a 2 way charge USB cable. This will allow you to transfer data to and from your PC to your PSP, and enable you to charge it at the same time. It costs around $10. A no brainer must-get item.

Another one that you should really get is protection for your PSP. You can go fancy on some very nice pouches and cases, or you can just get the basic crystal case, which will set you back around $10 as well.

Okay, I see these as the most basic essentials for your brand new PSP. I will review some interesting accessories in my future posts.